Refer a Friend Terms & Conditions

1. What is the Promotion about?

1.1 As part of the GetGround ‘Refer a Friend’ promotion (the “Promotion”), GetGround is offering the opportunity to refer new customers to GetGround in return for a reward for successful referrals. 

1.2 Please read these terms and conditions (the “Terms”), carefully including the eligibility criteria set out below. Both the Referrer and the Friend must fully meet all the relevant requirements to receive a Reward.

1.3 These Terms set out the rules that apply to the Promotion and the Referrer and Friend must comply with these Terms, as well as any other terms and conditions that they have with GetGround, at all times when participating in the Promotion.

2. Who is a Referrer?

A referrer under this Promotion (a “Referrer”) is a GetGround customer who:

(a) has an account on GetGround’s web application platform (the “GetGround Platform”) and has successfully passed the KYC Checks to the full satisfaction of GetGround;

(b) is at least the minimum age permitted by applicable law to be eligible for the Promotion; and

(c) is not an employee or director of (i) GetGround or one of its affiliates, or (ii) one of GetGround’s partners.

3. Who is a Friend?

A friend under this Promotion (the “Friend”) is:

(a) a new GetGround customer who has used the Referrer’s Referral Link when they sign up to the GetGround Platform. If the Friend (i) has an account on the GetGround Platform, or (ii) has been referred to GetGround by one of GetGround’s partners, the Friend is not a new user and is not eligible;

(b) the lead shareholder of the GetGround limited company when they complete a Company Sign-Up;

(c) in GetGround’s reasonable opinion, is capable of being accepted as a customer of GetGround, in accordance with the requirements of GetGround’s Know your Customer (KYC) checks and all applicable laws and regulations; and

(d) has successfully passed the KYC Checks to the full satisfaction of GetGround.

4. What is the process for referring a Friend?

4.1 GetGround will create a referral link bespoke to each Referrer and make it available to the Referrer on the GetGround Platform (the “Referral Link”).

4.2 The Referrer may share their Referral Link with a Friend and the Referrer must ensure the Friend signs up to the GetGround Platform using the Referral Link provided to them by the Referrer.

4.3 The same Referral Link can be used by multiple different Friends.

4.4 Upon creation by the Friend of an account on the GetGround Platform, GetGround may directly contact that Friend at its sole discretion with a view to achieving a Company Sign-Up by that Friend.

5. How do the Referrer and Friend earn the Reward?

5.1 Subject to these Terms, the Referrer Reward will be payable or provided to a Referrer (as applicable) and the Friend Reward will be payable or provided to the Friend (as applicable) for each Company Sign-Up completed by that Friend during the Reward Period.

5.2 There will be no limit to the number of Friends that a Referrer can introduce to GetGround.

5.3 In respect of a Referrer, the Referrer Reward will be:

(a) credited via the GetGround Platform to the business account of a Referrer’s GetGround company;

(b) paid by bank transfer into a bank account as nominated in writing by the Referrer; or

(c) applied towards the Referrer’s monthly subscription relating to GetGround’s ‘GG Company’ or ‘Accounting & Tax” product,

as applicable and as determined by GetGround in its sole discretion.

5.4 In respect of a Friend, the Friend Reward will be:

(a) credited via the GetGround Platform to the business account of a Friend’s GetGround company;

(b) paid by bank transfer into a bank account as nominated in writing by the Friend; or

(c) applied towards the monthly subscription set up by the Friend as part of their Company Sign-Up,

as applicable and as determined by GetGround in its sole discretion.

5.5 The Referrer Reward will be either:

(a) due to the Referrer at the end of the calendar month directly following the month in which a relevant Company Sign-Up by a Friend occurs. Payment of the Referrer Reward may take up to 10 Business Days from the relevant due date; or

(b) provided to the Referrer on the date of Company Sign-Up by the Friend. The Referrer Reward will be applied by GetGround within 5 Business Days of the relevant due date,

as applicable and as determined by GetGround in its sole discretion.

5.6 The Friend Reward will be either:

(a) due to the Friend at the end of the calendar month directly following the month in which a relevant Company Sign-Up by that Friend occurs. Payment of the Friend Reward may take up to 10 Business Days from the relevant due date; or

(b) provided to the Friend on the date of Company Sign-Up by that Friend . The Friend Reward will be applied by GetGround within 5 Business Days of the relevant due date,

as applicable and as determined by GetGround in its sole discretion.

5.7 The Referrer Reward will not be payable or provided (as applicable) if the Friend terminates their terms and conditions with GetGround and/or requests a refund of the GetGround company set-up fee, before GetGround pays or provides (as applicable) the Referrer Reward to the Referrer.

5.8 The Referrer Reward will not be payable or provided (as applicable) and the Friend Reward will not be payable or provided (as applicable) if:

(a) the Company Sign-Up(s) is/are not completed by the Friend during the Reward Period; or

(b) the Friend and/or the Referrer fails the KYC Checks and GetGround determines, in its sole discretion, that the Reward should not be payable to Referrer and/or provided to the Friend (as applicable).

6. What other legal information should I know?

6.1 This Promotion is organised and offered by Terranova.Network Limited (trading as GetGround), a company registered in England and Wales with company registration number 11273793 (“GetGround”).

6.2 By agreeing to these Terms and participating in the Promotion the Referrer and Friend confirm that all of the information they have or will provide to GetGround is true and accurate, to the best of their knowledge.

6.3 GetGround is not obliged to accept a Friend that has been introduced to it and GetGround may refuse a Friend’s access to the GetGround Platform without giving any reason.

6.4 GetGround reserves the right to reverse and/or withhold the Reward if:

(a) such Reward was earned fraudulently;

(b) the Referrer or Friend breaches these Terms or any other terms and conditions that they have with GetGround; or

(c) there is a breach or suspected breach by the Referrer or Friend of applicable laws or regulations,

GetGround will consider the reversal of any Reward to have been done with the consent of the Referrer or Friend (as applicable) and the payment to have been authorised by the Referrer or Friend (as applicable).

6.5 GetGround may suspend this Promotion at any time, if in GetGround’s reasonable opinion, the Promotion is being abused or may negatively affect GetGround’s goodwill or reputation. GetGround may do this on an individual or promotion-wide basis. The Referrer or Friend should contact if they believe they qualify for a Reward in relation to the Promotion that has not been awarded to them as a result of a suspension. For the avoidance of doubt a person can not refer themselves under this Promotion to obtain the Reward.

6.6 GetGround can cancel this Promotion, change these Terms and/or amend or vary the Reward at any time without notice. Any cancellation or changes to the Terms or the Reward do not affect the rights of the Referrer or Friend if they have already participated in the Promotion.

6.7 Events beyond the control of GetGround may also occur that render the awarding of a Reward as part of this Promotion impossible. GetGround will not be liable for any loss, whether directly or indirectly suffered, as a result of an event outside of its control.

6.8 GetGround needs to handle the Referrer’s and Friend’s personal data to carry out its obligations under these Terms. GetGround will process the Referrer’s and the Friend’s personal data in compliance with ​​its Privacy Policy.

6.9 If GetGround believes that the Referrer and/or Friend has engaged in any fraud or material abuse of this Promotion GetGround may in its sole discretion take any actions it sees fit in the circumstances. For example, it would be a material abuse of this Promotion to orchestrate a campaign to profiteer from this Promotion in a way that does not result in genuine and unique new Company Sign-Ups to GetGround, and GetGround may reverse any Rewards if the Referrer and/or Friend does this.

6.10 If the Referrer or Friend has any questions about this Promotion, please contact GetGround by email at

6.11 If the Referrer or Friend has a complaint in respect of this Promotion please contact GetGround by email setting out the details of the complaint to GetGround will consider and investigate each complaint carefully and aim to respond fully within 15 Business Days of receipt of a written complaint in accordance with GetGround’s Complaints Policy.

6.12 No term of these Terms will be enforceable by virtue of the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 by any person that is not a party to it.

6.13 GetGround may assign or subcontract any of its rights or obligations under these Terms.

6.14 If any provision of these Terms is prohibited by law or judged by a court to be unlawful, void or unenforceable, the provision shall, to the extent required, be severed from these Terms and rendered ineffective as far as possible without modifying the remaining provisions of these Terms and shall not in any way affect any other circumstances of or the validity or enforcement of these Terms.

6.15 The agreement between the Referrer and/or Friend and GetGround under these Terms is personal to the Referrer and/or Friend and may not be transferred by them to any third party.

6.16 These Terms are governed by English law and the Referrer and Friend agree that any dispute (contractual or non-contractual) arising out of or in connection with these Terms shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

7. Definitions

The following definitions shall apply to these Terms:

Business Day” means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business;

Company Sign-Up” means either:

(a) a GetGround limited company is designed;

(b) payment of the GetGround company set-up fee is paid by the Friend;

(c) that GetGround limited company is incorporated at UK Companies House; and

(d) all onboarding conditions are successfully passed to the full satisfaction of GetGround,


(e) a limited company, which a Friend holds shares in, has been onboarded on the GetGround Platform and all onboarding conditions are successfully passed to the full satisfaction of GetGround;

Friend” has the meaning given to it in Clause 3;

Friend Reward” means the reward stated in the Friend’s GetGround account when they sign up to the GetGround Platform using the Referral Link (as amended by GetGround from time to time);

Friend Sign-Up” means the date the Friend creates an account on the GetGround Platform using the Referral Link;

GetGround” has the meaning given to it in Clause 6.1;

GetGround Platform” has the given to it in Clause 2(a);

KYC Checks” means Know Your Customer (KYC) checks, anti-money laundering checks and any other checks as determined by GetGround in its sole discretion;

Promotion” has the meaning given to it in Clause 1.1;

Referral Link” has the meaning given to it in Clause 4.1;

Referrer” has the meaning given to it in Clause 2;

Referrer Reward” means the reward stated in the Referrer’s GetGround account when they access the GetGround Platform to obtain their Referral Link (as amended by GetGround from time to time);

Reward” means a Friend Reward and/or a Referrer Reward (as applicable);

Reward Period” means the period beginning on Friend Sign-Up and ending on the date 6 months after Friend Sign-Up; and

Terms” has the meaning given to it in Clause 1.2.